Local Support Groups

Peer-to-peer Support Group Listing

The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation of the San Francisco Bay Area publishes listings, and when needed provides logistical support, for peer-to-peer support groups available to people with OCD and their families, people who hoard, and people with related disorders.

These peer-to-peer support groups are free and open to anyone who matches the description of the audience for a particular group. Note that OCDSFBA provides listings for these groups, but they are not OCDSFBA progams.

OCD Support Groups

  • Oakland OCD Support Group (East Bay)
  • San Francisco OCD Support Group (San Francisco)
  • South Bay OCD Support Group (Santa Clara)
  • Parents of children with OCD who are in college
  • Treatment and Beyond Support Group (for people farther along in recovery)

Hoarding Support Groups

  • MHA-SF Hoarding Support Group (San Francisco)
  • MHA-SF Family and Friends Support Group (of people with a Hoarding Disorder)

Oakland OCD Support Group (East Bay)

DescriptionMutual help group open to individuals with OCD, anxiety and/or depression; and family members and friends.
Meeting timesEvery Saturday, 3.00-5.00pm (online only)
LocationOnline only
ContactTo join a Zoom meeting, send your name and email address to Tim at quinntem@gmail.com.

Treatment and Beyond Support Group (For people further along in recovery from OCD)

DescriptionPeer-facilitated support group for people further along in recovery from OCD.
Meeting timesMonthly, First Thursday 7-8pm
LocationOnline (potential future in-person meetups)
ContactFor more information and to join the email list, please register at tinyurl.com/treatmentandbeyond.

Mental Health Assoc. – San Francisco (MHA-SF) Hoarding Support Group

DescriptionSupport group for people who compulsively hoard and clutter on a regular basis.
More information: https://www.mentalhealthsf.org/support-groups/
Meeting timesFirst and third Wednesday of the month 3.00-4.30pm, and second and fourth Monday of the month 5.30-7.00pm
LocationOnline via Zoom. Office location: MHA-SF, 870 Market Street, #785, San Francisco.
ContactSerina Chung, serina@mentalhealthsf.org, to register and obtain meeting links.

Mental Health Assoc. – San Francisco (MHA-SF) Support Groups

Additional details can be found here: https://www.mentalhealthsf.org/support-groups

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

MONDAYS 6:00PM – 7:30PM

Experience a weekly sanctuary for community members navigating life with OCD. Come together to share your journeys, offer mutual affirmation and care, and embrace a collective emphasis on recovery and mindfulness.

Drop-in Support Group for Hoarding Behavior



Engage in a weekly support group, led by peers, specifically for individuals grappling with their own hoarding behaviors and challenges. Experience a non-judgmental atmosphere where sharing and receiving support from peers occur in an informal setting.

Men with Hoarding Behavior Support Group


Hoarding disorder impacts both men and women equally, yet men often find themselves underrepresented in recovery groups and events. Join this peer-led group where men can openly share about how this complex issue affects their lives. Learn valuable techniques and tools tailored for hoarding recovery, with a focus on issues that may be unique to men.

Family & Friends Support Group for Hoarding Behavior


This support group, led by a therapist, is tailored for spouses, siblings, parents, family members, and friends of individuals exhibiting hoarding behavior. It blends education with support to enhance comprehension and coping strategies for dealing with the impact of hoarding behavior on our lives.

Adult Children of Parents with Hoarding Behavior Support Group


This therapist-led support group is for the adult children of parents with hoarding disorder. This group combines education, support and community building for those who have a parent figure with hoarding behavior.

Clearing House


For LGBTQ seniors aged 55 and older who are dealing with hoarding behavior, participants are encouraged to exchange stories that detail their struggles, strategies, and achievements in navigating hoarding behavior. Facilitated by a Peer Counselor with their own lived experiences, the group focuses on equipping individuals with tools to confront and manage the challenges associated with hoarding.

Advanced Drop-in Support Group for Hoarding Behavior


A twice-monthly group for folks who have completed an intensive treatment course, such as Buried in Treasures (BIT) or similar class. Intended for people who are dealing with hoarding behaviors to review BIT skills and get support from peers in an informal setting. 

ClutterLess Pleasanton

DescriptionClutterless (CL) is a nonprofit, peer-based, self-help support group for people with difficulty discarding unwanted possessions. Cluttering is a psychological issue, not an organizing issue. For more information go to the website of local organization, ClutterLessEastBay.org.

Parents of children with OCD who are in college

DescriptionThere is not enough support for parents of children with OCD who are in, or about to enter, college. Radhika Sivaramakrishna, the organizer of the support group for parents, writes:
I lost my 19 year old son Nandan Sathyanarayana 6 years ago to OCD-SUD. He was a brilliant boy and died barely a year into his college life at UC Berkeley. He was a wonderful, kind, caring human being who we lost due to the struggles he went through with his disease. Along the way, we realized that there is not enough support for parents of children with OCD navigating/about to enter college. I learnt many lessons along the way watching his struggles. I don’t have all the answers however I want to share what I have and together with other parents at least begin the discussion so we know what questions to ask so we can all help children and their parents navigate college successfully with this debilitating condition.
Meeting timesSecond Saturday of each month, 8:00-9:00pm (Pacific Time)
LocationOnline via Zoom. Meeting link:

San Francisco OCD Support Group

DescriptionMutual help group open to individuals with OCD and family members and friends.
Meeting times1st Wednesday of each month (excluding holidays)
LocationEmail Timothy and he will send out an email reminder two days beforehand with the Zoom link to join. 
ContactEmail:  SFOCD@groups.io

South Bay OCD Support Group

DescriptionMutual help group open to individuals with OCD and family members and friends.
Meeting times1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, 10.00am-12.00pm.
LocationAt this time all meetings are online via Zoom.
ContactMary: email: mpweins1@yahoo.com